Environmental Studies
KWREC is carrying out the environmental and social impact assessment in accordance with the directive issued by the Regional Administrator. The Evaluating Committee (COMEV) identified the following issues :
- Birds and Bats
- Wetlands
- Land Use
- Economic repercussions
- Archeology
The environmental and social impact assessment will also consider other components such as waterbodies, watercourses, wildlife species and habitats, plants, health and welfare, landscape, noise, social structures and culture. These topics will be described based on surveys (conducted on-site), traditional knowledge shared during Community Consultation, Desktop Review. PESCA Environment is in charge to prepare this impact assessment that will be submitted in 2021 to the Regional Administrator and reviewed by the Review Committee (COMEX). Taking into consideration the recommendation of the COMEX, the administrator authorizes or not the project.
Hybrid Power Plant Project Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Volume 1: Main Report